We are delighted to announce (as of 04/01/2016) that British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research got 35th ranking in Publons as per the number of published reviews (see here: https://publons.com/journal/?order_by=reviews) with 304 published reviews (see the screenshot here). PLOS one (Public Library of Science), ranked first with 5747 published reviews. Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) ranked 6th with 798 published reviews. BMJ case reports (BMJ publishing Group) got 18th rank with 473 published reviews. PeerJ got 52nd rank with 258 published reviews. BMJ got 60th rank with 244 published reviews. Nature communications (Nature Publishing Group) got 66th rank with 239 published reviews and so on. It should be noted that content of this page and rankings are dynamic and ranking changes with time as per the number of published reviews. Most probably Sciencedomain international is the youngest entity in the first 35, crowded by big names like Nature Publishing Group, Elsevier, Wiley, Taylor and Francis, BMJ, Sage, MDPI, OUP, RSC, ASM, APS, NAS, BioMed central, etc.
SDI journals follow transparent and toughest ‘Advanced OPEN peer review’ system (Detailed general information is available in this link). OPEN peer review system provides the provision to reveal the identities of the authors and reviewers to each other during review process. In order to add transparency further, details of all reviewers and academic editors are published in the first page of every published paper (in the Article Information section: see example). As a final step to provide highest level transparency in the process, all review comments, authors’ feedbacks, all versions of the manuscript and editorial comments are published (along with date) with the paper in ‘Review History’ link (See example 1, example 2, example 3, etc). This transparent process will help to eradicate any possible malicious/purposeful interference by any person (publishing staff, reviewer, editor, author, etc) during peer review. As a result of this unique system all reviewers will get their due recognition and respect, once their names are published with the papers (Example Link).
We are thankful to all reviewers who are actively making this peer review system a great success. Editors are nurturing all the journals with great care, passion and love from the very beginning. Without the hard work of editors and reviewers implementation of this transparent OPEN peer review was impossible. We want to express our sincere thanks to all authors, who show their guts to participate in this transparent OPEN peer review system, where all criticism of reviewers/editors are open in front of the public.
We very much appreciate the efforts of Publons to make scholarly publication field a better world by making it more systematic, measurable and transparent. Publons works with reviewers, publishers, universities, and funding agencies to turn peer review into a measurable research output. (https://publons.com/about/)
Thank you everybody.
For more information please contact:
Ms. M. B. Mondal, Ph.D.
Email: director@sciencedomain.org
Last update: 04-01-2016, Data collected on 04-01-2016.
Data source: https://publons.com